Keeping your kitchen hassel free may seem overwhelming at times. If your like me, in my own kitchen...I often say to myself -"no one is gonna look behind closed doors"... here's the problem with that....are you a no one? While putting away dishes, and pantry items, we look...and it bothers us. What bothers me the most is that I could spend time organizing my kitchen cabinets, only to have another family member come home, empty the dishwasher, and it seems like another tornando hit the drawers again! Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the help, but my family needs a lesson in organizing as well...if only they would read my blog!
Real Simple magazine is an easy read, and often has great tips to help us get and stay organized. They released a book called "The Organized Home" breaks down room by room in the house and offfers suggestions on cleaning and clearing your junk.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
No More Wire Hangers!!!

After coming out of the closet (no pun intended) several times this week, I have hangers on my mind. Joan's fierce cry of "No more wire hangers ever!" quickly worked its way into my head.
The wire hanger, which has a simple loop of wire, most often steel, in a flattened triangle shape that continues into a hook at the top....continues to drive me crazy. Crazy no more Tara!!!
I have to thank my fabulous client Jackie for this. She presented me with the huggable hanger by Joy Mangano, bought online through the home shopping network. You have seen similar hangers at Target, or Bed, Bath & Beyond...buyer beware...not the same!!!
I have a new love...GOODBYE plastic, wire, and wood!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Fashion Swaps for your old frocks!!
After re-organizing many closets, taking items to Revente, Curious closet, and Goodwill...I have leftovers!!!
With the rising cost of fashion, it makes more sense to recycle your old clothes with friends. One persons trash, is another persons treasure. It's a great way to get "new-to-you" clothing and accessories, and clean out your closet at the same time. Do remember, you will need a home for the the items you have swapped.
The rules for a Fashion frock swap are as follows:
1. Make a list, include several groups of like size people.
2. Ask guests to bring at least 5 items to swap, including make-up, handbags, shoes, books, jewelry...anything that one would sell at a yard sale. But keep it simple!
3. Clothing should be on hangers and in good condition. Separate items by categories, such as value type and size.
4. Stage a full length mirror near the swap area, so others can comment on items tried an effort for one not to bring home items they will never use.
5. Have refreshments, and snacks available...usually BYO...and play funky music that reflects a retail store. Music always sets the mood!
(Any items that are not swapped, are in good condition, and in season, try taking them to Revente 803.256.3076 for consignment. Then donate the rest to your local Goodwill.)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Edit your closet like a pro...or be a slave to your wardrobe!!!
If there are things hanging in your closet that you haven't worn for years, chances are you won't!
There are exceptions-of course...any classic staple such as evening wear, might loaf around for a year or two with out an occasion to wear it.
Rule #1...If you try it on, and take it off right away after looking in the mirror...DUMP IT!!!
Try to stay organized by keeping a box, bag, or basket that you know is you DUMP center. This way, when you purchase new items you will have room, and you never have to see the piece again. Out of sight out of mind!
Rule #2...Professional wardrobe consultants and closet organizers have specific principles that help them help YOU let go of the emotional attachment you may have for an item.
Rule#3...KEEP, DUMP, DONATE!!!!
To really clean out your closet, I follow these 3 simple steps. Free your mind, and transform your space by letting go!!!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
"I'll get around to it"... equals procrastionation!

I have to office (not quite this bad) has piles of papers that I really don't need. I make excuses just like everyone such as...I will get a round to it. Do you know what a round to it is? is your official round tuit...My Favorite Aunt...Aunt Tippie (Emma) had one hanging on her wall in the kitchen when I was a little girl...I know this image is small, but it reads...
"This is Round Tuit. Guard it with your life as tuits are hard to come by. This is an indispensable item. It will help you become a more efficient worker. For years we have heard people say ...I'll do when I get a round tuit-now that you have one you can accomplish all those things you put aside until you get a round tuit."
Often I, as a professional organizer and a domestic engineer...I'll get a round tuit is a common phrase I use in my own that will more excuses!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Clearing out your clutter creates space for possibility. You may find yourself deciding to go back to school, change your career, start your own business, go out on a date, take up painting or singing or ballroom dancing, try out for a part in a play, or... what's your dream? (No wonder clutter clearing can be a little scary! Suddenly there are no more excuses for why you can't pursue that dream.)
Your friends will say you look terrific. They'll wonder where that sparkle in your eye came from, and how you manage to look both energized and serene at the same time. It's because you have released from your life everything that is no longer useful to you. You have let go of the past and are no longer hoarding for the future. You have made space for living freely in the present, where peace resides.
Your friends will say you look terrific. They'll wonder where that sparkle in your eye came from, and how you manage to look both energized and serene at the same time. It's because you have released from your life everything that is no longer useful to you. You have let go of the past and are no longer hoarding for the future. You have made space for living freely in the present, where peace resides.
Freaky Friday...
Updated website
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wasted Space equals dead space
NO NO NO..... You do not need a larger house with bigger closets!!!
Purchasing another bookcase is not going to solve you problems either.
We all have more storage than we think, and everyone has space they are not using...I call this "DEAD SPACE"...if you see empty air, you have more than enough space.
TRY... utilizing your dead space by storing tall or bulky items on top of shelves in closets or in your pantry. Hang shallow racks from shelves to fit flat items, such as placemats or napkins, use containers (clear) that stack and flush. Remember to keep it simple in an effort to not loose you mind looking and searching, and making more of a mess.
When you use storage containers (clear)...give your items breathing room. I say this because so many people cram stuff into containers as if it were a suitcase you are taking overseas.
Purchasing another bookcase is not going to solve you problems either.
We all have more storage than we think, and everyone has space they are not using...I call this "DEAD SPACE"...if you see empty air, you have more than enough space.
TRY... utilizing your dead space by storing tall or bulky items on top of shelves in closets or in your pantry. Hang shallow racks from shelves to fit flat items, such as placemats or napkins, use containers (clear) that stack and flush. Remember to keep it simple in an effort to not loose you mind looking and searching, and making more of a mess.
When you use storage containers (clear)...give your items breathing room. I say this because so many people cram stuff into containers as if it were a suitcase you are taking overseas.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Thinking vertical
Piling papers forces you to dig around to find what your looking for like a cat digs in a litter box!!!
Stacking papers like a deck of cards is a BIG FAT NO NO...try vertical thinking.
Storing papers with a hanging file system allows you to know what you need to shuffle. Keep it simple!
Stacking papers like a deck of cards is a BIG FAT NO NO...try vertical thinking.
Storing papers with a hanging file system allows you to know what you need to shuffle. Keep it simple!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Magic wands and tiaras...I can't help it!
After a morning of re-organizing a little girls dressing room, wearing a princess crown the entire time, and channeling my inner child, I felt like playing dress up also... only my clothes are not so fun anymore. So I stopped at Revente on the way home.
Getting creative with a small space is not an easy task, but it can be done. The trick for the budget concious is utilizing what you have to make the most out of the space.
Turn on some music, have a diet coke, empty the space, and put it all back. Simple???
Getting creative with a small space is not an easy task, but it can be done. The trick for the budget concious is utilizing what you have to make the most out of the space.
Turn on some music, have a diet coke, empty the space, and put it all back. Simple???
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Chonicles of a domestic engineer SUNDAY thoughts
No matter what may be going on in your life, clearing your clutter can considerably free your mind and your space. When your space is cluttered, your mind is cluttered. Do you often tell yourself “I can’t get organized because I have too much stuff?” Clearly, there is a problem with this excuse.
Clutter is silent and sneaky. You have come face-to-face with your enemy, yourself.
Opening this door allows you to feel emotions triggered by your past.
You have an attic, a storage shed, a basement, cabinets, a coat closet, a linen closet, 4-6 clothes closets, and now you’re aggravated. You day to day routine does not allow you the time to tackle all of this. You are overwhelmed, period. You think you need to go shopping for storage bins and trendy organizing tools to assist you. Stop right there. You are creating more of a mess.
The problem is not finding a home for all of this stuff; the problem is the homes for all of your stuff are filled with other stuff. Relics from the past, old photos, piles of paper, need I say more? You are too busy moving items from room to room to collect your thoughts and truly get and stay organized.
First, begin with a plan of attack. Make a short and sweet to-do list. This list should include the problem areas that haunt you. Find some bins lying around the house, at least 3, and label them: KEEP, DUMP, and DONATE.
Then, work and sort your way around the room clockwise, putting items in their designated box. This is a simple act of dealing with your stuff, you may think you are just cleaning, but what you are really doing is rooting around in dusty corners of your psyche.
Clutter is silent and sneaky. You have come face-to-face with your enemy, yourself.
Opening this door allows you to feel emotions triggered by your past.
You have an attic, a storage shed, a basement, cabinets, a coat closet, a linen closet, 4-6 clothes closets, and now you’re aggravated. You day to day routine does not allow you the time to tackle all of this. You are overwhelmed, period. You think you need to go shopping for storage bins and trendy organizing tools to assist you. Stop right there. You are creating more of a mess.
The problem is not finding a home for all of this stuff; the problem is the homes for all of your stuff are filled with other stuff. Relics from the past, old photos, piles of paper, need I say more? You are too busy moving items from room to room to collect your thoughts and truly get and stay organized.
First, begin with a plan of attack. Make a short and sweet to-do list. This list should include the problem areas that haunt you. Find some bins lying around the house, at least 3, and label them: KEEP, DUMP, and DONATE.
Then, work and sort your way around the room clockwise, putting items in their designated box. This is a simple act of dealing with your stuff, you may think you are just cleaning, but what you are really doing is rooting around in dusty corners of your psyche.
Best & worst organizing tools: de-clutter
According to Womans day magazine, here is a list of the best and worst organizing tools:
1. Hanging sweater & shoe bags...for closets.
2. Plastic drawer boxes...for cabinets and under beds.
3. A label mark shelves, bins, and folders.
4. Clear storage containers...that stack and fit flush.
5. Helper shelves... that expand and stack.
6. Wall Calander...with a pocket for each month.
1. Bulletin boards...they look cluttered and hide you to do lists.
2. Accordian files...rarely do they have the correct number of slots or labels for your personal needs.
3. Opaque storage containers...dah, you can can't see through them.
4. Hampers with lids...most kids & adults don't bother to open the lid to place clothing inside, it ends up on the floor. ( although they look nicer)
5. Horizontal trays...they become black holes for incoming papers.
Time to de-clutter! But when you are looking over mounds of stuff in your space, it is very hard to know where to start and what to do first.
One of the mistakes I have made in the past....I went shopping for organizing materials pre-declutter. BIG MISTAKE! This added to my mess, and confused me. So I suggest the box method ie: get boxes, label as follows....
4. FIX
Any thoughts on this? post a comment and I will try to help!!!
1. Hanging sweater & shoe bags...for closets.
2. Plastic drawer boxes...for cabinets and under beds.
3. A label mark shelves, bins, and folders.
4. Clear storage containers...that stack and fit flush.
5. Helper shelves... that expand and stack.
6. Wall Calander...with a pocket for each month.
1. Bulletin boards...they look cluttered and hide you to do lists.
2. Accordian files...rarely do they have the correct number of slots or labels for your personal needs.
3. Opaque storage containers...dah, you can can't see through them.
4. Hampers with lids...most kids & adults don't bother to open the lid to place clothing inside, it ends up on the floor. ( although they look nicer)
5. Horizontal trays...they become black holes for incoming papers.
Time to de-clutter! But when you are looking over mounds of stuff in your space, it is very hard to know where to start and what to do first.
One of the mistakes I have made in the past....I went shopping for organizing materials pre-declutter. BIG MISTAKE! This added to my mess, and confused me. So I suggest the box method ie: get boxes, label as follows....
4. FIX
Any thoughts on this? post a comment and I will try to help!!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
After the Queen of clean: Project Wildewood
Try diving up spaces. Put loose items in piles...I use large Tupperware containers and I suggest that my clients purchase stacking plastic drawers.
I like to start by clearing the entire space ie: NO REALLY...take everything off of the shelves, out of the drawers, sounds like alot of work, but TRUST ME. Putting everything away gives you the chance to sort through the items, and then you can decide what to keep and what to toss. I found large stoe-all bags, sort of like sandwich bags on steroids, at Dollar tree... they are great for small toys!!!
another before photo of this mornings adventure
get it done,
Project Wildewood continued....
Opps... #1 organizing mistake & Project Wildewood
Let's face it: when it comes to organizing, most of us must be making mistakes. We stack papers in neat piles and buy clever orgainizing tools, but still chaos and clutter reign. SO WHAT ARE WE DOING WRONG?
The experts say...PLENTY!
In fact, many of the things we do to get organized actually work against us. Find out which moves might be keeping you from getting-and staying-organized, and what we can do to to fix this instead. Follow my OPPS for the next few blogs, post a comment if you can relate.
OPPS #1.....Telling yourself "I'll put it here for now."
It's so easy to stash items wherever you can find a spot for them, and I am so guilty of this in my own house.....dah-and this is what I do for a living? Don't put the turkey platter in the linen closet, or the screwdriver under the can't find them the next time you look, and off to the store to buy another, and now have 10.
TRY storing the same items in the same place....I sounds sooooooooo easy, NOT!
In the mist of our, work, dishes in the sink, dogs etc... domestic engineers, move so fast while multi-tasking.... often, we think "Out of site, out of mind, i'll just put this here for now." -(in the junk drawer- I have 2 in my kitchen) UGGGGGGGGGGG....and every time I open that drawer it irks the shit out me. You all know what I am talking about!
Today-Project Wildewood:
This morning I will tackle a playroom that belongs to 3 little girls...this room is only a fraction of disaster....the rest of the home looks like a bomb hit....or 10. Yesterday- I went to assess the sitch....and got so overwhelmed by pink and purple dress up clothes, barbies, hair ties, and little girl stuff...I almost had an anxiety attack, and left....needless to say I am ready to do this today. I thought long and hard about where I am going to start....I am taking everything out of this room, and putting it all it's place. It's a start....I will post some before and after photos while I am there to show you what is involved. Pray for me!
Let's face it: when it comes to organizing, most of us must be making mistakes. We stack papers in neat piles and buy clever orgainizing tools, but still chaos and clutter reign. SO WHAT ARE WE DOING WRONG?
The experts say...PLENTY!
In fact, many of the things we do to get organized actually work against us. Find out which moves might be keeping you from getting-and staying-organized, and what we can do to to fix this instead. Follow my OPPS for the next few blogs, post a comment if you can relate.
OPPS #1.....Telling yourself "I'll put it here for now."
It's so easy to stash items wherever you can find a spot for them, and I am so guilty of this in my own house.....dah-and this is what I do for a living? Don't put the turkey platter in the linen closet, or the screwdriver under the can't find them the next time you look, and off to the store to buy another, and now have 10.
TRY storing the same items in the same place....I sounds sooooooooo easy, NOT!
In the mist of our, work, dishes in the sink, dogs etc... domestic engineers, move so fast while multi-tasking.... often, we think "Out of site, out of mind, i'll just put this here for now." -(in the junk drawer- I have 2 in my kitchen) UGGGGGGGGGGG....and every time I open that drawer it irks the shit out me. You all know what I am talking about!
Today-Project Wildewood:
This morning I will tackle a playroom that belongs to 3 little girls...this room is only a fraction of disaster....the rest of the home looks like a bomb hit....or 10. Yesterday- I went to assess the sitch....and got so overwhelmed by pink and purple dress up clothes, barbies, hair ties, and little girl stuff...I almost had an anxiety attack, and left....needless to say I am ready to do this today. I thought long and hard about where I am going to start....I am taking everything out of this room, and putting it all it's place. It's a start....I will post some before and after photos while I am there to show you what is involved. Pray for me!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Sleepless in Columbia
March 3, 2010
Last night was one of those nights I wish I had picked up my ambien RX at CVS...instead I put it off because...well let's get honest, I was being a cheap ass. Sooooooooooooooo...needless to say I napped last night.
9pm...tried to fall asleep
1030pm...went to smoke,, cuddled on couch...saw snow outside...thought about taking a photo, but I was to0 tired.
230am...went to smoke again, snow was melting already.
430am...smoked again, ate cereal, kissed husband goodbye (he went to work)
609am...alarm went off DAMNIT!!! Snooze......................
At this point I said "SCREW IT"...slept until 4th grader was still home-SHIT! My fault.
I picked up my RX this afternoon. That's what I get for being cheap.
Last night was one of those nights I wish I had picked up my ambien RX at CVS...instead I put it off because...well let's get honest, I was being a cheap ass. Sooooooooooooooo...needless to say I napped last night.
9pm...tried to fall asleep
1030pm...went to smoke,, cuddled on couch...saw snow outside...thought about taking a photo, but I was to0 tired.
230am...went to smoke again, snow was melting already.
430am...smoked again, ate cereal, kissed husband goodbye (he went to work)
609am...alarm went off DAMNIT!!! Snooze......................
At this point I said "SCREW IT"...slept until 4th grader was still home-SHIT! My fault.
I picked up my RX this afternoon. That's what I get for being cheap.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tuesday: equals a sense of good humor.
March 2, 1010
I read in a magazine at Dano's pizza last night:
"Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health."
....then ...on 104.7 wnok this morning - I heard Ace & TJ talk about women that have in their minds (subconsciously) that after marriage or moving in with with a man, they gain a lot of weight. After working so hard to get your man by staying in shape, mani's & pedi's, hair did, and keeping up with fashion.
They said this is due to becoming more involved in your home, spending less time with friends, and not exercising as much.
While the man keeps his routine ie: eating the same, going to the gym, etc....
I beg to differ.
After talking to my good friend Margo on many occasions, we have discussed the importance of maintaining yourself as a woman ....well...TO KEEP YOUR MAN!!!
Ladies, have a sense of humor, but not while you are finishing a box of GOOD HUMOR.
I read in a magazine at Dano's pizza last night:
"Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health."
....then ...on 104.7 wnok this morning - I heard Ace & TJ talk about women that have in their minds (subconsciously) that after marriage or moving in with with a man, they gain a lot of weight. After working so hard to get your man by staying in shape, mani's & pedi's, hair did, and keeping up with fashion.
They said this is due to becoming more involved in your home, spending less time with friends, and not exercising as much.
While the man keeps his routine ie: eating the same, going to the gym, etc....
I beg to differ.
After talking to my good friend Margo on many occasions, we have discussed the importance of maintaining yourself as a woman ....well...TO KEEP YOUR MAN!!!
Ladies, have a sense of humor, but not while you are finishing a box of GOOD HUMOR.
Monday, March 1, 2010
My First Blog
Another case of the Mondays...3/1/10:
Wake up late, coffee not strong enough.....
The computer freezes, pop-ups appear, the dog needs to go out, dishes are in the sink, empty sprite bottles are on the kitchen counter, accompanied with traces of uncooked ramen noodle pieces trailing to the microwave, and the disposal is clogged again.
Often I run circles around myself with the best intentions of "cleaning my own house"....unfortunatly...I have to do this for free, which means I half ass my own and not yours.
Wake up late, coffee not strong enough.....
The computer freezes, pop-ups appear, the dog needs to go out, dishes are in the sink, empty sprite bottles are on the kitchen counter, accompanied with traces of uncooked ramen noodle pieces trailing to the microwave, and the disposal is clogged again.
Often I run circles around myself with the best intentions of "cleaning my own house"....unfortunatly...I have to do this for free, which means I half ass my own and not yours.
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